Project goals is to raise interest of children and young people in participation/contribution into development cultural and artistic creativity of children by improvement of children and young peopleaccess to the culture and initiation of debates about Nordic culture and arts transformation in frame of achievement of UN SDGs and Nordic Vision on sustainability by focusing on peace, social inclusion and climate change and presenting them in a creative way and through non-formal education by using creative approach and Norse mythology and Languages to growth the future culture leaders.
Additional goals:
- To encourage youth cultural innovation and sustainability as a tool to use in young people everyday life
- To increase cultural communication across Nordic youth and improve collaboration within the region by developing new performance & creative content, materials designed by young people on Norse mythology and culture, SDG, social inclusion and creativity.
- To recognize the benefits of working together across cultural boundaries as we share common goals and a common future.
The target group of the project are children and youth aged 11 – 26+ years ( vulnerable groups, with different social and ethnic background, special needs who have less access to culture) and some experts (culture experts, teachers, etc) who work with children and support their development of artistic creativity and participation in culture.
Main stakeholders are educational and cultural institutions, youth and civil society organizations, youth and creative networks & local communities. The beneficiaries are society as a whole and educational, cultural institutions, youth and civil society organizations, professionals/experts in sustainable development fields, local governments and Nordic institutions.
Project artistic /cultural quality relay on the preselected talented and motivated young people who willing to gain a positive impact as for themselves as for society and contribute to the developing of Nordic culture cooperation and raise the quality of arts though symbiosis of arts performing and spreading the key message. Project has as innovative approach to combine art performance and dialogue with young people and audience by using traditional and alternative approaches. We will incorporate drawing, writing, singing, dancing and photography/video production and use in the learning process. It’s a long term partnership cooperation.
Practical outcomes:
- Creative workshops across region
- Premier of Performance and broadcasting
- International Conference
- 2000 hard copies of Creative Manual in English about 50 pages (materials to learn about UN SDGs, Nordic culture & values, young people culture innovative solutions; music notes, songs, performance script; summaries of young opinions and best practices).
- Web-resource of the creative programm
- Network of creative partners
Project results:
- Will be conducted on local level in each partner country 3 events (informative, educational andcreative workshops)
- Will be organised on international level 4 join events (cooperation meeting; 2 international workshop; conference and performance day)
- Will be created 1 join performance and produced 1 manual, 10 performance songs, 1 script, music notes etc.
- Totally will participate up to 358 young people, (plus 300 spectators + online audience)
- Totally will be engaged 30 culture experts, Youth NGOs, institutions in culture & youth fields dealing with creativity, culture and sustainable development
- By improving children and young people’s quality of arts skills and Nordic culture knowledge about green revolution in Nordic culture, social inclusion and climate change through creative approach and growth of the future leaders the Nordic region will become the most integrated and sustainable region in the world by 2030.
- We will encourage pro active cultural participation and ensure that the children and youth are involved at all stages of the project to gain greater influence on the project results
- Through creation of the performances we strengthen Nordic languages, culture and young people organisational, social and creative skills, improve influence, and participation in cultural, and social activities as for our own community as for society.

Full process of projects activities include following agenda:

Aug-Sep 2022 Local Workshops for Youth in each country
3 local creative workshops (60 pers. per country) on raising awareness on SDGs, creative content development and Youth cultural participation conducted in each partner country.
20-23. October 2022 – I cooperation meeting (youth and experts) in Norway (5 pers per country)
On the cooperation meeting we will discover the nature of the cooperation program and share best practices and selecting the core ideas and present the cast (previously participating in the call for creative youth for performance), will edit of creative manual and discuss preparation for the creative workshops and conference.
23-25 November 2022 – International creative workshop of youth in Göteborg, Sweden (6 pers per country)
it’s a major creativity place in the project where young people in frame of workshops will be creating a content for performance, getting new experience and practicing innovate approaches in arts performance and though cooperation contributing for main outcome of project; Content contributions from young people for manual.
15-17 February 2023 – II International creative workshop of youth in København, Denmark (6 pers per country)
Young people in frame of workshops will be creating a content for performance, getting new experience and practicing innovate approaches in arts performance and though cooperation contributing for main outcome of project. Also a final draft of creative manual will be agreed.
5-6 May 2023- Conference & performance day in Helsinki, Finland (10 pers per country + virtual)
Conference is a place for sharing experience & good practices and advancing understanding of the Nordic culture and arts transformation in frame of achievement of UN SDGs. Conference is dedicated to celebrate young people achievements in regional cultural cooperation and encourages new long-term collaboration for raising awareness on importance of Culture as unique tool in working with and between youth. Performance day will be a premier performance performed by international team of youth and professional in various field of art performance. We expected up to 100 performers and engage personal and up to 800 spectaculars.
Nordic Young contest for song and music writers, best stories proposals for musical script of performance on Nordic mythology across Nordic region, that will be presented by young people as part of creative and educational process. In total 12 scholarships will be awarded for the winners for their contribution and will be invited to the premier of the musical in May 20223, Helsinki, Finland.
Official page of the musical –
Please find our provisional team:
– Project manager/ producer: Mr. Vassili Golikov (Finland)
– Executive Director and Communication manager: Laura Rajala (Finland)
– Editor in Chief of Creative manual: Gitte Gry Bech Ballesheim (Denmark)
– Creative director: Morten Hagevik (Norway)
– Music director: Jorge Alcaide (Sweden)
– State director: Marko Kokko (Finalnd)
– Choreography: Karine Leonardsen (Norway)
– Script writer: Morten Hagevik (Norway) and Marko Kokko (Finalnd)
– Other experts and key actors will be appointed and discussed on meeting.